Integrated Farming System of Brother Nav Vang

Brother Nav Vang age 42 years old, his wife name’s Norng Kheu living in Tbeng village, Kokir Saom commune, Svay Teab district, Svay Rieng province. Brother Nav Vang has 2 children (one is grade 8 and one is grade 6) and He’s job have depending on rice farming only on for eat and sell the rice for support to their children go school and outside of farming, after he harvested for the rice yield, he always travels to Phnom Penh to works as constructor worker and motor taxi driver. His family is poor family among of families in the village because hi migrated family from Kandal province. His family haven’t eaten enough food and nutrition because of his family have no home gardening and money to buy something for cooking food. One more thing his children are still young and studying and they cannot help him on rice farm and home gardening. He has no money for his children go school and buy study materials. “He miss and pity his children during he worked as construction worker at Phnom Penh and he wants to propose small business for family but he have no money and if he loaning money from other private sectors the interest is very high around 10% and keep of asset for private bankers and if he loan money from microfinance institution, they need license owned lands as well as guarantee” he mentioned.

During the project “Improving Income and Nutrition through Community Empowerment (INCOMEI)” under funding by Heifer International Cambodia and implementing by Santi Sena has working in Tbeng villages, Kokir Soam commune, Svay Teab district, Svay Rieng province. Since February 2015, brother Vang has decided and joined for saving money with the self Help Group as member named “Raksmey Phum Tbeng” and he has savings with 5,000R-10,000R for every months and he has got some trainings on animal management and raising and home gardening. Especially he has selected by Community Facilitator to participate the training on integrated farming system on February 2015 at Banteay Meanchey province. After he got training from the project, he has practiced by used the technicals and skills what he has learned during the training to designs and scale up from 60m2 to 150m2 of farming land for home gardening, pig and chicken raising in his farm. By he has no enough money to access the business plan, he borrowed money from the group amount 70$ and bought the vegetable seeds and equipment. He has used skills and knowledge what he has learned from the training provided by project INCOME I to practice such as; how to makes feeding for piglets, vaccination, composts and vegetable cultivation and disease prevention for vegetable also. He was successfully on vegetable products. He always though produced vegetable products based on season of vegetable product and local market price and the vegetable products are require from the villagers such as; ride gourd, green baggage, cucumber, string bean, morning glory and taro etc. After 20-40 days, he can harvest it and supplied to local market and villagers, he said. He got the income around 10,000RIeld (2.5$) per day and he got money from 1,500,000R-2,000,000R (375-500$) per season for vegetable products and he have sold 2 piglet got money 1,200,000 (300$) and he sold chicken got money 350,000R per season (4-5 months).

“After the his family have the incomes from animal raising and vegetables products, his family and children has enough food for eat because he has own home gardening and he can collect the vegetables around her home to cooking for their children and he have enough money to buy study materials for children and her children regularly go school and he reserved some money for scale up the animal raising and vegetable cultivation” he said.

Outside, he successfully with animal raising and vegetable cultivation, he has shared the experiences and knowledge on animals raising to his relative name sister Mao Chinda who have no experience and knowledge on animal raising. Sister Mao Chinda said that, she knew and have experiences on animals raising from her member group name brother Vang who are very kindly with her and he has shared how to animals raising with successfully. However, after she practiced follow brother Vang, she mentioned that, she has successful and he have sold fattening 3heads and he got money 2,700,000Riel (675$).

Mr Prak Sinan age 42 years old, he is village chief living in Tbeng village, Kokir Saom commune, Svay Teab district, mentioned that, brother Nav Vang is very kind and he would like to shared experience and knowledge what he have learned to other villagers and he is demonstration farm household for other villagers to practice follow him.

Brother Saom Sarom is self-help group leader of “Raksmey Phum Tbeng”, he mentioned that, brother Nav Vang is honesty, friendly and kindly in the group, he is regularly for saving and active members in the group and his family is poor and migrated from Kandal province before, but now he changed farm land to designed home gardening and animal raising. He is hard working member in the villages and he would like to share experience and knowledge to other villagers in the group and the villagers always called his farm that, “green farming”.

Brother Nav Vang have set up the action plan to scalp up of cage for pig and chicken raising because he want to make more money and save money for both children go to school.

Finally, Brother Nav Vang said that “We really much appreciated with Heifer International Cambodia for supporting and helping on capacity building to his family as well as poor household in the village”.